Gallery of Vector Conversions


A marker drawing supplied by a preschool. We were given creative license to create vector artwork from their sketch.


A patch converted to vector for South Brownsville Fire Department


A Virginia Police badge redrawn in vector format, including 3-D effects.


A realistic vector rendering of a black Chevrolet Camaro. Our customer asked us to remove the original background.


An artist sketched an updated version of the Old Quaker Distillery. We created black & white vector line art from their sketch.


From a customer’s concept, to our completed 100% vector artwork. This project took some hours, but we think the outcome was worth the effort.


A vector illustration of a tractor with a Titan claw attachment installed on it. This was created from a customer-supplied photo.


A blurry raster image of the Columbia Basin Vet’s Center insignia redrawn in vector format. Notice the detail we were able to achieve with the camuflage pattern.


The main logo vectorized from a popcorn bag. We can improvise details which appear blurry in the original image.


A 1969 Ford Mustang Fastback redrawn in vector format with as much original detail possible, minus the background in the original photo.